From ‘Beneficiary’ to ‘Donor’, Impact Donation!100% of the donations raised through ‘Impact Donation’ are delivered for the sustainable growth and self-reliance without commission.
진행중인 프로젝트

Give In Celebration
Turn your special day into a meaningful one joining hands with your friends and loved ones to make a positive impact on global issues!
key 'mainEventTab1 (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string.
Our Story
key 'news (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string.
key 'notice (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string.
[채용공고] 밸류커뮤니케이션팀 마케팅 경력직 채용(마감)
key 'notice (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string.
key 'notice (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string.
key 'notice (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string.
새롭게 발급되는 더 브릿지 디지털 리워드! 어떻게 받을 수 있을까?
key 'notice (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string.
[연합뉴스] 오토바이 수리점·건강식품 레스토랑…동티모르 예비창업가 경연
key 'notice (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string.
[이로운넷] 더 브릿지, 탈북민 청년 위한 맞춤형 커리어 엑스포 개최
key 'notice (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string.
[더 브릿지] '세상을 바꾸는 생일', 세바생 캠페인 론칭!
key 'subscribeNewsletter1 (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string.
key 'subscribeNewsletter2 (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string.
key 'collectingPersonalInformation (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string.key 'and (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string.key 'termsAndCondition (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string.key 'agreed (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string.
The Bridge International | CEO Jinsol Hwang | key 'chiefPrivacyOfficer (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string. Jinsol Hwang | key 'businessLicenseNumber (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string. 683-82-00062Korea Office : 5F, 40, Seolleung-ro 93-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul USA Office : 3251 Old Lee Highway, Suite 404, Fairfax, VA 22030 The Bridge International's USA Office is a 501c(3) non-profit organization and all contributions are fully tax-deductible.
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